Are There Student Loans That Pay Directly To You? This question is about student loans. No. All qualified education loans are paid directly to the school...
When it comes to investing, picking the right trading app can make a big difference. Not only will a smooth user experience with all the features...
Do Credit Unions Offer Student Loans? This question is about private student loans. Yes, some credit unions do offer student loans. However, your mileage may vary...
With college becoming more expensive, how can parents afford to send a kid to school? More than a decade after completing college, 7% of Millennials still...
Key Points The Biden Administration has approved $6.1 billion in automatic student loan relief for nearly 317,000 borrowers who attended The Art Institutes from January 2004...
Pogo is an app that pays you to share your data about your shopping and more. Most of us could use a little extra wiggle room...
Key Points FAFSA Reprocessing Complete: Nearly all impacted FAFSA records reprocessed, enabling institutions to finalize financial aid packages. Processing Time Reduced To 1-3 Days: Current FAFSA submissions...
Key Points New Fee Structure: Betterment has introduced a new Premium plan with a 0.65% AUM management fee. Enhanced Benefits: Premium customers now enjoy additional benefits...
Having student loans when you’re unemployed can be an added burden to your finances. When you’re unemployed, it’s hard enough getting out of bed in the...
In its nearly 250-year history, the U.S. has experienced more periods of inflation than deflation. The last big period of deflation occurred during The Great Depression....