Can I Trust Online Banks Even If I Don’t Recognize Their Name? This question is about high-yield savings accounts. If you look at the list of...
Should I Get A Safe For My College Dorm Room? This question is about what to bring to college. One of the most common questions we...
Being a college student entitles you to get student discounts on all sorts of products and services. This has the potential to save you thousands of...
Paying back student loans can be a challenge for anyone. That’s especially true if you had to leave college before completing the degree. Without that finalized...
The Digital SAT is the latest version of the standardized test that’s been used for college admissions for 100 years. Though the SAT has been around...
There are many nuances to the definition of a qualified education loan. Some student loans do not satisfy the requirements for a student loan to be...
What Is A Good SAI (Student Aid Index)? This question is about the Student Aid Index. The Student Aid Index (SAI) replaced the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)...
Can you use a 529 plan for SAT Prep? The short answer is no, you cannot use a 529 plan to pay for SAT prep. However,...
There are few topics in personal finance as controversial as this debate: should you buy a house or rent an apartment? On one side of the...
A 529 plan can be an effective estate planning tool. But because many families are unaware of its benefits, very few consider using a 529 plan...