Target date funds have become the go-to investment choice for many Americans. In fact, they are now offered in over 80% of 401(k) plans nationwide. As...
Anytime you search available job postings, the salary likely catches your eye before any other details. How much you’ll be paid for your work is an...
Closing fee-related compliance tool provider LodeStar is integrating with title insurance provider Stewart, the companies said Monday. The Philadelphia-based firm said that the integration will allow...
As more of the mortgage process becomes digital, RON has been proving to be a powerful part of the tech transformation for industry professionals. HousingWire recently...
If you are thinking about diversifying your income, you may be asking yourself, “How do I diversify my income?” It’s actually pretty straight forward, and many...
Homeownership is a challenge now more than ever before. Having a poor credit score or not having enough cash saved up for a down payment can...
As rates continue to rise and lenders adjust to markedly tighter profit margins, the hunt is on for opportunities to improve operational costs. In light of...
Willie Newman, president and CEO of wholesale lender Homepoint Michigan-based lender Homepoint leadership effectively “reset the organization” amid the mortgage downturn, Willie Newman, the CEO and...
I saw this question the other day, and it reminded me of one of my favorite stories from high school math (yes, that’s pretty nerdy, but...
If you’re interested in taking control of your money, an excellent starting place is to look at your income. You can divide your paycheck every month...