Why Has Intermittent Fasting Surged In Popularity? A Guide to Getting Started

When intermittent fasting is mentioned, a great number of people would think about the 5:2 intermittent fasting diet.
This intermittent fasting program is quite popular these days, even though intermittent fasting isn’t really something recent.
Intermittent Fasting History
Intermittent fasting has been around for centuries and one reason why intermittent fasting has surged in popularity nowadays might be because there are more sources that talk about intermittent fasting now compared to before.
There have been numerous intermittent fast experimentations made by physicians back in biblical times as well as during Roman Empire which proves that intermittent fasting has been around for a very long time.
Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates also prescribed intermittent fasts to his patients so it shows that intermittent fasting was not really a new concept back then.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
In intermittent fasting, you can either fast for days or weeks at a time. And when intermittent fasting is mentioned, 5:2 intermittent fasting diet (where you consume 500 calories/day and this calorie consumption should only happen on two days of the intermittent fasting program) comes to mind.
You may also do intermittent fasts without eating anything at all during some hours of the day which might be better than intermittent fasting with low calorie intake.
The amount of time you spend on intermittent fasting depends on how long your body can tolerate it and what kind of intermittent fasting program you eat.
Another thing that makes intermittent fasting more tolerable is if one drinks plenty of water while doing intermittent fasts because dehydration may make intermittent fasts more difficult to handle.
16:8 Intermittent Fasting
16:8 intermittent fasting is a type of intermittent fasting that involves skipping dinner and eating during an 8 hour period (8 pm to 12 noon) and consuming your daily allowance of calories within this 8 hour window.
There are many intermittent fasting programs like the spiderman intermittent fast program where you eat whatever you want but within 1-2 hours.
You may also do alternate day intermittent fasting where you consume very low calorie meals (200-400 calories) on alternate days.
Is Intermittent Fasting Good for You?
Intermittent fasting can be good for those who need weight loss or fat burning efforts because intermittent fasting has been discovered to help with satiety, improve insulin sensitivity and reduces inflammation.
People who are intermittent fasting for weight loss also consume low calories during intermittent fasts.
But intermittent fasting isn’t really good for people who are required to do intermittent fasts because intermittent fasting can disturb your cognitive functions (like memory). And if you plan on doing intermittent fasting, make sure that you know what kind of intermittent fasting program is best suitable.
Are Supplements Recommended with Intermittent Fast?
There are intermittent fasting programs that do not recommend the use of supplements. And intermittent fasts without supplementation can be done if intermittent faster eats plenty fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, nuts, seeds etc.
Other intermittent fasting programs recommend the use of supplements like one where intermittent faster drinks V8 juice to make up for the lost vitamin C due to intermittent fasting.
Also, it’s important to keep your hormone levels in check.
For example, men should keep their test levels at healthy levels and may benefit from test boosters.
Women, on the other hand need to keep estrogen levels at a healthy check and would benefit from HCG Drops for losing weight.
How to Get Started with Intermittent?
There are intermittent fasting programs for people of different kinds and what intermittent fasting program is best suited for you depends on your preferences and health conditions.
If you use intermittent fasting solely for weight loss, it’s a good idea to consult intermittent fast institutions like popular intermittent fasting diet author Leanne Vogel who has been doing intermittent fasts for quite some time now.
For example, people with low thyroid levels (that cannot regulate their body temperature properly) should not start an alternate day intermittent fast because lack of calories during intermittent fasts may make this condition worse.
But if you need to lose fat or want to improve satiety in order to prevent overeating, there are plenty of positive effects that come from intermittent fasting and getting started with intermittent fasting is not that hard.
You just have to pick the intermittent fasting program that best suits your health condition and preferences because intermittent fasting can be difficult if it’s not done right. So get started with intermittent fasts today, you’ll see positive changes in your body!