Figuring out how to pay for college can often lead you to think that student loans are your only choice. Think again! Although many students rely...
It can be confusing to understand whether you’re a dependent or independent student for FAFSA and financial aid purposes. Given the current cost of higher education,...
Key Points Keith Gill (Roaring Kitty/DeepFuckingValue) revealed a massive $181.4 million position in GameStop stock and call options, sending the stock surging in value. Gill’s return...
Getting an inheritance is the epitome of a mixed blessing. You receive a financial windfall, but the cause is the death of a loved one. On...
Key Points Only 42.5% of high school seniors have competed the FAFSA, a decrease of 14.4% compared to the prior year Nevada, Florida, Utah, Arizona, and...
Sallie Mae and College Ave are two well-known lenders that offer student loans for undergraduates as well as graduate programs. Figuring out which one to choose...
529 plan investment strategies can be hard to navigate. College and retirement savings plans often involve dynamic investment strategies, such as age-based and enrollment-date asset allocations...
Bankruptcy is a legal process that clears out your debts or creates a payment plan to creditors, allowing you to catch up. Businesses, farmers, municipalities, and...
TreasuryDirect is the U.S. government’s website that allows you to buy treasuries directly from the government. If you can buy treasuries from the government, is there...
Key Points Synapse Financial Technologies, a banking-as-a-service provider, has declared bankruptcy, causing neobanks that use their services to be unable to access customer funds. Popular banking...